Buy Electrical Connector Part 11670 Of Trompeter Electronics

Part Number : 11670
Manufacturer: Trompeter Electronics
Part Type : Rf Connectors
Description: Panel Mount, Female-Male, Rf Straight Adapter, Receptacle-Plug

Electrical connector part 11670, manufactured by Trompeter Electronics is now available in our stock. The part type for 11670 is Rf Connectors, with a description of Panel Mount, Female-Male, Rf Straight Adapter, Receptacle-Plug .. Electrical connectors are small electro-mechanical devices that are used to join various electrical circuits together. Electrical connectors consist of plugs, which are male-ended, and jacks, which are female ended.

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ASAP Semiconductor, owner and operator of, is a leading AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 00-56B certified company and has a AAA rating with the Business Consumer Alliance. We are among the leading suppliers of Trompeter Electronics obsolete, and hard-to-find electrical connector part like 11670, even those with long lead times. Our large inventory consists of more than 10 million different parts, which are sourced directly from 5,000 well-known manufacturers. Feel free to browse our website and look through our vast inventory..


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